our blog
May 24 10pm
We had such fun on the last bus trip that we thought the only way to top it is spending the night on a bus to Guatemala City. No harrowing tales to tell and everyone got a decent enough sleep.
May 25 am
The one critical piece of info we didn't catch in the guide book is that each bus company has their own station, and the bus we were hoping to catch left from the other side of the city. Of course there were plenty of taxi drivers willing to take us there. One guy was happy to pack the six of us and gear into his Nissan. Once on the road, it didn't take much of a sales job to convince us to triple the fare for door-todoor service all the way to Antigua. Worth-It.
We found our charming and inexpensive lodging, Casa Cristina, after several stops for the driver to consult with locals for directions. He wasn't very interested in the guidebook map which actually was spot on. We did eventually find it, dropped our stuff in the rooms and headed out to explore our corner of the city.
Antigua is beautiful with an old European feel. I tell people it is like visiting Spain for 1/3 the price.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Antigua, Guatemala