our blog
Most asked question (non-cruiser): How often do you come back to land?
A: Every time so far.
Number of waterfalls visited: 47 [ ok, I made that up. Lots ]
Worst injury: 15 year old son sprained ankle performing acrobatics while harnessed to the spinnaker halyard.
2nd worst: 13 year old son banged knee attempting "a double" doing the same thing.
[ perhaps there is a lesson here, but we didn't get it ]
Stubbed toes: every single one, at least twice.
Biggest fish: 50" wahoo, between Los Roques and Las Aves
Number of shark attacks: 0
Number of pull-ups in 2010: 4
Number of pull-ups in 2012: 20
Biggest blow while anchored: 50+ knot squall in Grenada (October I think?)
Biggest blow with hail while moving: 40+ knot gust front followed by golfball sized hail while maneuvering in the Dinner Key Marina mooring field. Note to self-"next time grab any available ball when you see it coming".
Best surfing: Not nearly enough. We were always anchored too far away.
Biggest maintenance headache: Fridge/Freezer - eventually bought a new compressor and had a pro install in Grenada. Fixed!!!
Approximate 1st year investment to get a ex-charter bareboat Leopard ready for extended cruising: $100k
Most amazing feast on board: they were innumerable, but I would pick Thanksgiving 2011 anchored in the western Los Roques for the most unlikely place to have Pecan Pie.
Sunsets: stopped counting after 100
Sunrises: stopped getting up after 30
Most sleepless night: spent several hours in the helm chair watching for any indication of dragging as breaking waves rolled by, putting us unexpectedly on a lee shore with the rocky section of Grand Anse Beach, Grenada. Anchor held.
Most interrupted night's sleep: Set alarm to get up and check every 30 minutes during a strong cold front while anchored in the tidal currents of The Mice, Exumas, Bahamas.
Cheapest groceries: Tobago and Panama.
Buggiest flour and pasta: Tobago
Most expensive grocery bill: Bonaire, because you are in stupefied awe after being in the E. Carib, and you don't realize tha liter of strawberries converts to $12, and the brick of Gouda that just arrived on a 747 from Holland is $18.
Would you do it again? In a heartbeat!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Some silly questions and answers
Eclipse in Bahamas
Wardwick Wells