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If you are plotting your own sailing adventure perhaps these stats will give you some useful insight.
=== 2010 Statistics ===
Family lived aboard Eclipse: 250 days (including marina stays in Marathon and Stuart)
We operated the boat 125 days which means we were on the move 50% of the time.
We had 12 overnight trips.
Total Nautical Miles: 3375 (3881 statute miles)
Estimated 5 knot average (miles / operating hours)
Total operating hours: 664
Sailing 286 43%
Motor sailing 208 31%
Motoring 170 26%
Total engine hours: 742
Port 343 46%
Stbd 399 54%
An estimated 270 hours were for charging batteries only.
Fuel used [I did not keep complete records]
Fuel burn average = .5 gal/hr
Estimated diesel used = 370 gallons
Estimated gasoline used (outboard and generator) = 40 gallons
=== 2011 Statistics ===
Family lived aboard Eclipse: 330 days (including 14 living on the hard)
We operated the boat 116 days which means we were on the move 35% of the days. A related stat is that we operated (sail/motor) 626 hours which means we were moving 8% of the hours we were on board.
We had 17 overnight trips.
We celebrated New Years day 2011 as the sole boat anchored off an island in the Ragged Islands, Bahamas. Route from there: Long Island, Mayaguana, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Vieques, Culebra, St Thomas, St John, BVI, St Martin, Antigua, Les Saintes, Ominica, Martinique, St Lucia, Bequia, Grenedines, Carriacou, Grenada, Tobago, Grenada, Los Roques, Las Aves, Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba.
Total Nautical Miles: 3055 (3513 statute miles)
4.8 knot average (miles / operating hours)
26.3nm average trip distance
5.3 hours average trip duration
Total operating hours: 626
Sailing 371 59%
Motor sailing 68 11%
Motoring 187 30%
Total engine hours: 627
Port 296 47%
Stbd 331 53%
An estimated 350 hours were for charging batteries only (56%).
Fuel used
Fuel burn average = 0.41 gal/hr
Diesel used = 259 gallons
we paid from $6/gal in Grenada to $1.50/gal in Tobago, avg est. $4.50/gal
Propane = 10lbs will last us 30 days (we bake a lot)
Rough Estimate gasoline used (outboard and generator) = 80 gallons
Curacao was $8 for gas, ouch
=== 2012 Statistics ===
Family lived aboard Eclipse: 180 days (including 50 living in a marina, or traveling inshore away from boat)
We operated the boat 69 days which means we were on the move 38% of the days. A related stat is that we operated (sail/motor) 559 hours which means we were moving 13% of the hours we were on board.
We had 16 overnight trips.
We celebrated New Years day 2012 in Aruba (with fireworks ash raining down on us, but we had a spectacular view from the water). From there: Colombia, Panama, Bay Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, return to Florida in June.
Total Nautical Miles: 2843 (3270 statute miles)
4.4 knot average (miles / operating hours)
41.2 nm average trip distance
8.1 hours average trip duration
Total operating hours: 559
Sailing332 59%
Motor sailing73 13%
Motoring154 28%
Total engine hours: 315
Port 155 49%
Stbd 160 51%
An estimated 80 hours were for charging batteries only (25%).
Fuel used
Fuel burn average = 0.49 gal/hr
Diesel used = 153 gallons
Propane = 60# in 6 months
Rough Estimate gasoline used (outboard and generator) = 30 gallons
=== Full Trip - March 2010 - June 2012
760 days aboard
9273 nautical miles (10664 statute)
1684 total engine hours
782 gallons diesel burned
A meaningless but interesting stat: 13.6 miles per gallon
Monday, December 3, 2012
Operating Stats
Where I gather all that great data.